Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Save the Environment

Well, most of the bloggers whose blogs I visit have put forward ideas for saving the environment. And I have been tagged by Utkarsh to do the same. I do not have any new ideas for saving the environment. But it helps if a few points are compiled in one space. And as the saying goes, charity begins at home. So I would like to confirm that I am (at least trying) to practice all these methods that I preach.
1. Do not waste paper. It is well known now that paper is made by cutting trees and wasting paper means a tree cut in vain. It is all well to decide that we’ll write on both sides of the paper, use leftover pages from an old notebook, etc. But there is one practice I’ve notice which is wasteful and pointless - wasting paper during exams. I do not know why there is this notion that heavier the answer book, greater the marks. I see my classmates sometimes leave out almost 3-4 pages from the main answer sheet so as to appear to have used a lot of additional sheets. I mean, the valuators aren’t so foolish!! Blank pages do not mean marks!! So with such practices, one is not only wasting paper, but also usually not achieving anything in return.
2. If you own a vehicle, make sure to check periodically that your vehicle is not polluting the environment (ok, a certain percentage of pollution is unavoidable, I guess!). But this is already being taken care of by the government with stringent rules regarding periodic pollution checks and a fine if the rules haven’t been complied with.
3. Do NOT burn waste. Over here, it is common practice to have a garbage dump and periodically burn the garbage collected (when the dump becomes full). My room is beside such a garbage dump. Though it is not visible, the days the garbage is burnt, I cannot sit in my room as the smoke coming in makes it impossible to sit there for long. Now I’m trying my level best to let at least garbage from our home go out to certain common garbage dumps (of the municipality.).
4. ‘Use Me’ wastebaskets are found at most public places and along roads. Make sure that you use them to throw waste. No point in saying – the place is so littered anyway – and throw the stuff anywhere. Someone HAS to make a beginning………
5. Lastly, I tag Cijal and MadV and hope they come up with some innovative (?) ways to save the environment……



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